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How to Earn Money from Facebook Page Likes?

How to earn money from Facebook page likes? is a very common question among today’s social media users. Asa de, the answer to this question is coming below. Just keep reading.

How to Earn Money from Facebook Page Likes?

Asa de, have you ever stumbled upon such a tweet or post on Facebook or Instagram and you wished you could reward that particular person who uploaded that. A Swedish start- up Flattr is the answer to this question. This online tip jar service allows you to get physical money from follows and likes on a few social media sites like, Facebook, Stare de nervozitate, Instagram, Vimeo, etc. based on how much likes you get, how much starred your posts are and the number of favorites your posts go.

At the beginning of the month users develop a self- created budget and then after this they can loke, star or favorite as much content as they want. As soon as the month ends, the whole budget gets divided by the number of likes and other activities that are performed by the users the whole month and the cash gets split equally among all the content creators. But if you want to earn money through this then it will mandatory for you to be a member of Flattr community. It should be always noted by the member of the Flattr community that Flattr takes around 10 percent of your monthly budget as a membership fee. Flattr is just a way for you to earn money through the likes and activities on different social media sites.

Asa de, before you start using Flattr there are few things you must need to know like how to use it and other things. Some of them are written below.

Step 1. Firstly, choose for what you want to use Flattr for. If you want to receive money from likes on Facebook or Instagram or as per your choice. in orice caz, if ever you want to donate to content creators, then you can easily do through this app. Creating an account on Flattr is very simple and easy. You just have to enter your username, password and email and then you will get notified to verify your email address.

Step 2. Now after creating an account, sync it with your respective social media accounts. This service supports Facebook, Sound Cloud, Stare de nervozitate, Vimeo, Instagram and Glit Hub. Now it depends on the users whether they want to sync all social media sites or just one.

Step 3. After the step 2, you need to find other people using the same service.

Step 4. After all these steps you need to follow up to add money to your monthly budget. You can not use the service until and unless you have added money to your monthly budget. This money budget will now work as your credit card in service and will help you to earn money from Facebook likes when you have added your Facebook account to the service.

Asa de, this was all you need to know as how you can earn money from the lokes on Facebook. Few You Tube video links that might help you to know more about the question as how to earn money from Facebook likes are given below.

video YouTube

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