“DiscordRat” is the tool fully written in python3.
This is a RAT controlled over Discord with over 20 post-exploitation modules.
If you are not aware about what RAT is.
Let me explain like you are five.
A remote administration tool (or RAT) is a program that is used by hackers or other people to connect to a computer via the Internet or across a local network remotely.
Also, let me tell you.
RAT comes in malicious and legitimate applications.
Thus, be careful before downloading from any website.
DiscordRat Requirements:
- Microsoft Windows OS.
- Python3.
DiscordRat Setup Guide:
You will first need to register a bot with the Discord developer portal and then add the bot to the server that you want.
Once the bot is created copy the token of your bot and paste it at line 18 if you use the WithCV or line 17 if you choose the WithoutCV.
Now on go on discord>settings>appearance, scroll to the bottom, and activate “Developer Mode”, now go to the server where your bot added right-click on the channel where you want the bot to post, click copy ID and finally, paste the channel ID (not server ID) in the parenthesis in line 97 if you use the NoCV or line 67 if you use the WithCV.
Install requirements:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Then if steps above were successful after launching the python file, or executable, it will post a message on the server with a generated UUID, all that is left to do is posting “!interact ” with the given UUID.
Now your bot should be available to use !
Problems with DiscordRat:
If you have problems with the installation of win32api or other modules , try installing it in a python virtual environment.
There are two python files one has opencv and webcam related modules the other does not, this has been done because open-cv adds multiple dozens of megabytes to the compiled .exe file.
Disclaimer: The following tutorial is only for educational purposes. Any illegal usage of this tool is neither promoted or supported. You are responsible for your own actions.