Dom » Narzędzia Linuksa » Blee – Hakuj inteligentne urządzenia za pomocą skanera BLE.

Blee – Hakuj inteligentne urządzenia za pomocą skanera BLE.

przez Suyash

If you are looking for a BLE scanner for smart devices. “BLEAH is the perfect choice for you. People often have many doughts regarding Bleah. Dlatego, in this article, we gonna kill them all.


This tool is developed by Simone’s evilsocket’. It is based on the BluePy library. Using Blee is quite easy. W tym artykule, we gonna cover everything.


Installing Bleah:

Pierwszy, you need to update your Linux system. So as to prevent any further errors while you install the tool. To do so just use the following command:

apt-get update

zainstalowaćbluepy from source:

git clone

cd bluepy

python build

sudo python install

Final install :

git clone

cd bleah

python build

sudo python install

How to use Bleah?

After you’ve finished installing your Blee scanner. Now it’s time to use it. Using this tool is also quite easy to do.

You can even use -h command to find the usage menu.

usage: bleah [-h] [-i HCI] [-t TIMEOUT] [-s SENSITIVITY] [-b MAC] [-f] [-e] [-u UUID] [-d DATA] [-r DATAFILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i HCI, --hci HCI     HCI device index.
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        Scan delay, 0 for continuous scanning.
                        dBm threshold.
  -b MAC, --mac MAC     Filter by device address.
  -f, --force           Try to connect even if the device doesn't allow to.
  -e, --enumerate       Connect to available devices and perform services
  -u UUID, --uuid UUID  Write data to this characteristic UUID (requires --mac
                        and --data).
  -d DATA, --data DATA  Data to be written.
  -r DATAFILE, --datafile DATAFILE
                        Read data to be written from this file.


After reading this article you have understood to use the Blee. If you face any issue regarding the installation or usage of the tools. You can contact us via the comment section below. Nasz Linuks support team will reply to you as soon as possible.


Drużyna CSHAWK.

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