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Write For Us – Collaboration Requests

Loved our content? Wanna collab with us? Here is the complete guide on how to get sponsored post on our blog.

Write For Us

Our Blog is related to mainly: Apk Niche and Tech for good niche.

Our blog receives traffic from first world countries like the USA, Canada, Europe including Italy, France etc.

Our Company is very professional about the content that we put online on our blog for our readers.

Thus, we also have 107k+ PUSH notification subscribers.

We focus on UX not the DA which can get us more of sponsored post but no real time readers 🙂
Search anywhere you will not find these things any where on any blog.

Guidelines for Publishing Sponsored Content on Cyberspacehawk.com:

  1. Quality: Your Sponsored article must match the quality standards of cyberspacehawk.com. In order to get approved.
  2. No Spam: We get a lot of sponsored posts request. We only approve upto 10-15% of total requests.
    As we care for our readers! We don’t accept any spam content or links on our blog CSHAWK.
  3. Authority Linking Only: Our blog is a 4 years old. Thus, we don’t allow any low quality links on our blog.
  4. No Hate Content Policy: We at CSHAWK. Care for every individual reader on our blog. Thus, any sort of hate won’t be tolerated.
  5. Changes in Article: When you provide us your article. We may make changes to that article as per the requirements and situations just to improve the User Experience of our readers.

If we found your article violating any of the above mentioned criteria. It will be disapproved by our content management team.


Email our content team: info@cyberspacehawk.com