» APK » Android 上的 Apk 檔案儲存在哪裡? [更新]

Android 上的 Apk 檔案儲存在哪裡? [更新]

APK檔案, 或 Android 套件文件, 包含整個Android程式, 包括它的源代碼, 資源, 和清單文件. They function as a medium for the transfer and installation of Android software.

Android 上的 Apk 檔案儲存在哪裡? [更新]

The APK file is downloaded and installed automatically whenever an app is downloaded from the Google Play Store. It’s not always obvious where APKs are kept on Android devices, and consumers may want to know. This article will look at the different places on Android devices where APKs can be found.

In the first place, you should know that the APK fileslocation can change based on the device’s maker and Android version. The APK files, 然而, are often kept in the same place across devices because of their shared file structure.

Android 上的 Apk 檔案儲存在哪裡?

The APK file is saved to the device’s internal storage when an app is downloaded from the Google Play Store. File managers are useful apps that let you navigate your device’s storage and manage your files; thus, they can be used to pinpoint the precise position of the file you’re looking for.


If you’re using a file manager programme to look for the APKs, you can do so as follows:

  • Launch your Android’s file manager.
  • To access the device’s internal memory, just go there. 為達到這個, open the file manager programme and go to theInternal Storage” 菜單.
  • Access the “Android的” folder once you’re in the system storage directory.
  • To organise your Android files, you can use the “數據,” “媒體,” 和 “肥胖” folders that are all located in the main “Android的” 夾. 該 “數據” folder is the common place to keep APKs.
  • You may usually find the desired app’s data in a subfolder of the “數據” 夾. The Instagram app’s APK file, 例如, is located in thecom.instagram.android” 夾.
  • After locating the directory, 打開 “apk” subfolder. The app’s APK may be found in this directory.

Users also have the option of manually installing APKs downloaded from external sources. The APK file can be found in the Downloads folder, which can be accessed via the device’s built-in file manager.


APK files downloaded from untrusted sources may be infected with malware or other security risks and should be installed with caution. If you want to be safe, only get programmes from official stores like the Google Play Store.

此外, 的 “未知來源” option on Android devices lets people download programmes from places other than the official Google Play Store.

 For security considerations, this capability is deactivated by default; users can turn it on by heading to the “安全” section of their device’s settings and tapping the “未知來源” 選項.

APK files, in conclusion, are kept in the device’s internal storage when using Android. According to the device maker and Android version, the file’s precise location may be different.

 The APKs, 然而, are typically located in the “數據” folder inside the “Android的” 夾, as this is the standard location across most devices. Users can use a file manager programme to look for the APK data.

 Users are cautioned against installing APK files obtained from unofficial sources and advised instead to stick to the Google Play Store for their programme needs.
