
Project Zomboid Cheats – [Pc] Cheat-menu + Zelfstudie [2023 bijgewerkt]

Project Zomboid is een horrorvideogame in een open wereld. Het is een ultiem zombie-overlevingsspel. Ontwikkeld door The Indie Stone in 2013. Here is the updated version of “Project Zomboid Cheats“.

Het doel van het spel is om te overleven in een fictief, door zombies geteisterd knox-land dat door de overheid is geïsoleerd.

De spelers moeten vechten tegen obstakels zoals honger, vermoeidheid, pijn en mentale stabiliteit om in leven te blijven in de gameplay.

The game provides two play modes the one is survival mode and other is sandbox.

The game offers a very challenging scenario which is quite unique as compared to any other traditional survival game.


  • It is an online multiplayer survival game.
  • It focuses on the realistic survival world.
  • It provides you with very wide range of maps to explore with.
  • Het leert je om te gaan met verveling, honger, dorst, depression and illness in order to survive.
  • It provides with really deep and realistic gameplay mechanics and vehicles with full physics.
  • Ontwikkelt je vaardigheden op basis van wat je doet in het spel, like farming fishing cooking trapping carpentary and many more.
  • Can build your own zombie forts.

Project Zomboid Cheats – [Pc] Cheat-menu + Zelfstudie [2023 bijgewerkt]:

If you someone who loves to play games. And now you are trying to play Project Zomboid. Which is a scary game.

Project Zomboid Cheats will gonna help you out.

You can definitely look out for the opportunity to use some level of cheats in the game. This will please your experience a little bit and make it easier to bear the scary game. Hahaha 🙂

Project Zomboid does not offer inbuilt cheat menu enabled by default. Zo, you need to work a little bit to get your cheats working.

Usage of Cheats in Project Zomboid:

In project zomboid the player has to survive the zombie apocalypse. Wat soms best uitdagend en moeilijk kan zijn, dus iedereen heeft een beetje extra hulp nodig om te overleven in het spel.

So some of the cheats are much needed for avoiding the risk of dying in the gameplay.

How to Turn Cheats on in Project Zomboid Game?

-You have to find a Project Zomboid game in your stream library and then have to click on the ‘properties‘ tab.

– Then you have to go to the properties icon and select it and from here you can get for the latest beta and can change games settings by going into the general tab and then have to select launch option.

-On that same window, type “-debug” into the text box beneath the ‘Lancering Options.’ You can now exit the window and boot the game where the cheat meany should be accessible.

– Then simply go to the main menu of the game and start a new game in any scenario you would like to play.

You will see the changes in your game once you visit to the world with your character.

Je kunt ook het nummer van je shotgun-granaten invoeren en deze vervolgens scannen. Afterwards switch to project Zomboid and shoot the shotgun and here you switch the cheat engine very conveniently.

You can also follow along this YouTube tutorial if you don’t wanna read text.

How to Have Access to Project Zomboid Cheats?

Er is een nieuwe eenvoudige die op je scherm zal verschijnen en lijkt op een mug. Dit symbool is je ticket om vals te spelen in het project Zomboid-spel.

Door op dat specifieke pictogram te klikken, opent u een debug-menu dat een behoorlijk grote lijst is.

Je kunt een van de opties in het menu selecteren en vervolgens veranderingen en de verschillende waarden van je speler direct zien, zoals gezondheid, uithoudingsvermogen en nog veel meer. you just have simply have to select moodles and body from the side menu.

Health panel cheat is one of the another cheat which can be activated in the game for getting access to different features in the health column.

Project Zomboid Cheat Codes:

Here are the few cheat codes which you can might use while playing Project Zomboid.

If any of these cheats are not working. Kindly post a comment below and we will refresh the cheat list again. The last time we checked it was working dope!

F2+K=Nailed Baseballbat
F6+KSleeping Tablets

About God Mode:

Het is een van de meest voorkomende cheats die door spelers in het spel is gebruikt.

Het voorkomt dat de speler enige schade oploopt en zal ze nooit laten sterven. Basically it removes all kinds of risk which make the survival in the game difficult.

This cheat makes your player unstoppable. No one can kill you!

How to Enable God Mode?

At the top of the Debug Menu, select ‘General Debuggers’ and then select ‘Moodles and Body’ in the next window. Vanaf daar, you can scroll down and find the God Mode option which can be selected.

About Skill Level:

You can choose to change the skill level using cheats too. You can max them out to ease your gameplay or even reduce them.

How to Enable Skill Level?

  1. Allereerst, Ga naar het ‘Player’s Stats’ screen which is 5 down in the debug menu.
  2. Clicking it will show another window with a table at the bottom which lists all the perks including your levels in the skills, XP needed, enzovoort.
  3. Click on a perk, and three separate buttons will highlight below, which add XP, give you a level, and remove a level respectively. Levelling up a perk ten times will max it out.

About Building:

You can use the building cheat using the information below:

How to Enable Building Cheat?

  1. Once you enable the Debug Menu.
  2. If you right-click any ground tile you can select the options ‘Metalwork‘Of‘Carpentry‘ from the menu that appears, allowing you to build anything in the game without the required resources.

About Teleport:

Moving from one location to another is a time taking task without this mod.

But once you enable this mod. You can teleport to the other part of map in fraction of second. Giving you extreme experience. hahaha 🙂

Enjoy this mod using the tutorial given right below:

How to Enable Teleport Cheat?

Right-click any tile near you and in the menu, select the ‘[DEBUG] UIs‘ option and then ‘Teleport’ in the next menu.

It will ask you to input the coordination, so you will need to learn those specifics to make great use of it.

Verschillende cheatmenu's

Je moet naar https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=499795221.

En je kunt de volledige cheatlijsten downloaden.

Laatste woorden

Hoewel er geen cheat-menu in het spel is. Om vals te spelen in project Zomboid, moet je zeker een paar opties starten voordat je het spel start.

For using any mod first make sure that you have installed the correct mod in your device.

Once you follow all the instructions above you are all set to play the game with a little ease by using “Project Zomboid Cheats“.

Anupma Mishra

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