"Amore, Chunibyo and other delusions” is a light novel series in Japanese written and designed by Torako and Nozomi Osaka. The series is a romantic comedy and the original net animation was directed by Tatsuya Ishihara and produced by Eharu Oohashi and Shigeru Saito. The series was licensed by Animatsu Entertainment in The United Kingdom and was serialized from 27 settembre 2012 per 1 novembre 2012. The series consists of twelve anime episodes adapted by Kyoto Animations that was aired on 4th ottobre 2012 in Giappone. An animated film based on the story was released in September 2013. The series won an award mentioning in the novel category in Kyoto Animation Award contest in the year 2010. The series lite was streamed on YouTube on every week and the television series was released in six volumes. The series got the license in North America by Sentai Filmworks that streamed on Anime Network. The opening and ending themes are “Sparkling Daydream” and “Inside Identity” which was produced by Black Raison d’etre and the former by Zaq released on 24th ottobre 2012.
The series is about a young junior high school boy named Yuta Togashi who believed that he possessed some supernatural powers and called himself a “Dark Flame Master” as he suffered from Chunibyo. He finds embarrassing moments when he first started in high school knowing none and was free from those old delusions. Then comes the second main character named Rikka Takanashi who is also a delusional girl who gets attracted towards Togashi after knowing his past. As the story progresses, Rikka gets close with Togashi who finds her to be irritating and embarrassing however, he accepts her. He takes care of her in several things and he tutored her in certain aspects. Yuta learns about the reason behind Rikka’s delusions and helps her to find “Ethereal Horizon” which would help her to reach her father. The romantic relationship progresses in the following plot. Interesting Nah! si, it is the reason for the successful reach of this series.
The series is a well-acclaimed work where the title itself is self-explanatory and has a profound meaning of the plot. The uniqueness and desperate desire are clearly highlighted in the series. The first season had unexpected reach and the second season was released in 2014 which led to the claim of season 3 from the fans who are very fond of this particular series. Talking about the third season there are no updates from the makers. però, the creators have released a movie titled “Love, Chunibyo and Other Delusions! Take on me” in the year 2018. The movie was claimed to be better than the series that combined both the seasons and also considered that it seemed to be the end of the beautiful series.
The series has heart-warming characters with their relatable experiences creates an impression among the audience that the series is extremely unique yet, we know all the anime series centres around the supernatural genre. On speaking about the cast, Jun Fukuyama acted as Yuta Togashi and the character Rikka was by Maaya Uchida. And the other characters are listed below.
Amore, Chunibyo and Other Delusions series have a third season? Probabilmente sì, but the dates are not confirmed yet. After the release of season two, the makers came up with a movie instead! Ma perché? Nobody knows. If ever the third season is said to renew, it would probably reach the audience by end of the year 2021. Are you tired of waiting? No worries, watch the previous seasons over and over to overcome your anxiousness with the hope of getting season three of your favorite series. Fingers crossed!
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