
Kaip prisijaukinti katę „MineCraft“.? Updated Tutorial!

Taming a cat in Minecraft can be a fun and rewarding experience for players, as these cute creatures can make great companions in the game.

Tačiau, it can also be a bit tricky, as cats can be shy and easily frightened. Šiame straipsnyje, we will discuss how to tame a cat in Minecraft and some tips to make the process easier.

How to Tame A Cat in Minecraft?

Here’s a small video tutorial to help you tame a cat in minecraft! Its very easy and helpful.

Along with that we have written the same steps below too. You can preferr video or the content 🙂

Žingsnis 1: Locate a Cat

The first step in taming a cat in Minecraft is to locate one.

Cats can be found in villages, or wandering around in the wild in the game’s biomes. To increase your chances of finding a cat, try exploring villages, or look for cats in the following biomes: savanna, desert, taiga, and snowy tundra.

Žingsnis 2: Approach the Cat Slowly

Once you have located a cat, approach it slowly. Cats are easily frightened and will run away if you move too quickly or make too much noise.

To approach a cat, crouch and move towards it slowly, holding raw fish in your hand.

Žingsnis 3: Offer the Cat Food

When you are close to the cat, right-click on it while holding the raw fish in your hand. The cat will sniff the fish and may start to follow you. Continue to hold the fish in your hand and move away from the cat, slowly leading it to a safe and enclosed area.

Žingsnis 4: Feed the Cat

Once you have led the cat to a safe and enclosed area, continue to offer it raw fish until it is tamed. To tame a cat, you will need to feed it a total of 4-5 raw fish. Each time you feed the cat, there is a chance that it will become tamed, and hearts will appear above its head. If the cat runs away or is spooked, you will need to start over and offer it more raw fish until it is tamed.

Žingsnis 5: Give the Cat a Name

Once the cat is tamed, you can give it a name. To do this, right-click on the cat while holding a name tag. This will open up a naming menu, where you can type in the cat’s name. Naming your cat will make it easier to keep track of and will also give it a personal touch.

Tips for Taming Cats in Minecraft

Be Patient: Taming a cat in Minecraft can take time and patience. Cats are easily spooked, so it may take a few tries before you are able to successfully tame one.

Use Raw Fish: Raw fish is the best food to use when taming a cat. It is the cat’s favorite food, and it will be more likely to follow you if you are holding it.

Build an Enclosed Area: To make it easier to tame a cat, build an enclosed area where you can lead the cat and feed it without it running away. This will also keep the cat safe from other mobs in the game.

Use a Lead: If you want to take your cat with you on your adventures, you can use a lead to tie it to a fence post or tree. To use a lead, right-click on the cat while holding the lead, and then right-click on a fence post or tree.

Protect Your Cat: Once you have tamed a cat, it is important to protect it from other mobs in the game. Keep it in a safe area, and make sure it is not attacked by zombies or other hostile mobs.


Taming a cat in Minecraft can be a fun and rewarding experience.

With patience, raw fish, and an enclosed area, you can successfully tame a cat and make it your loyal companion in the game.


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