
Как построить лифт в Minecraft? 3 Минуты Учебник!

В Minecraft, строительство лифта может быть интересным и полезным. Это устраняет необходимость в ступенях или лестницах и обеспечивает простое перемещение между этажами.. A step-by-step tutorial for Constructing an elevator in Minecraft is provided below.

шаг 1: Construct a Frame

Create a frame for your elevator first. Anything goes, although it’s preferable to use something substantial, like iron chunks or obsidian. At least three blocks across and four blocks up should make up the frame.

шаг 2: Add Water

После этого, add water to the frame’s base. You may do this by filling a bucket with water and putting it into the frame’s bottom block. The water will descend and fill the frame completely.

шаг 3: Add signs

Place the placards on the frame’s sides once the water has been applied. The warnings will stop the water from escaping the frame. Put a sign one block above the water on either side of the frame.

шаг 4: Adding Pistons

следующий, put pistons above the signs on the sides of the frame. The water will be pushed up and down by the pistons, giving the illusion of an elevator. A piston should be placed on either side of the frame.

шаг 5: Making Connections

Connect the pistons to redstone once they have been inserted. Put redstone on the blocks that are above the placards and behind the pistons. The redstone on the blocks behind the pistons should then have redstone repeaters added to it. When you walk on the pressure plate, the pistons will be activated by the loop that is created as a result.

шаг 6: Adding a pressure plate

A pressure plate should then be added to the frame’s top. The water will be raised or lowered as a result of activating the redstone loop. The pistons will move the water up or down when you walk on the pressure plate, enabling you to ride the elevator.

And there it is—a straightforward elevator in Minecraft. By using various materials or embellishments, you may alter the design. You may also include a number of elevators in your environment for quick access to various locations.

Сатвик Махаджан

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