
HiddenEye is an amazing tool to perform many attacks on the victims’ accounts.
It can be easily used as a keylogger, phishing tool, information gathering , etc.
This tool is perfect combination of variety of tools.
You can even use it as social engineering tool.
HiddenEye is supported on various platforms such as Kali Linux, Termux, Parrot OS, etc.
One can easily hack users’ social media account such as Twitter, Facebook, etc.
HiddenEye Highlights:
- Can perform live attacks (IP, geolocation, country, etc.)
- Captures victim’s keystrokes (using keylogger function)
- Server URL type selection (selects between RANDOM URL and CUSTOM URL)
- Numerous phishing pages (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Dropbox, Reddit, WordPress, Yahoo, and many more)
- Android support (Termux/UserLand)
You need to check whether these are installed or not.
- Python 3.*
- sudo
- pyngrok
Installing HiddenEye:
BlackArch official repository
sudo pacman -S hidden-eye
to run just use the following command:
sudo hiddeneye
git clone https://github.com/DarkSecDevelopers/HiddenEye.git
Running (In Linux)
chmod 777 HiddenEye
sudo apt install python3-pip
cd HiddenEye
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
sudo pip3 install requests
sudo pip3 install pyngrok
python3 HiddenEye.py
RUNNING (Arch Linux or Manjaro)
chmod 777 HiddenEye
sudo pacman -Syu
sudo pacman -S python-pip,
cd HiddenEye
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
sudo pip3 install pyngrok
sudo python3 HiddenEye.py
sudo ./HiddenEye.py
Also Read: 1337x proxy
HiddenEye Installation For Android Users:
Install userland app from playstore.
Set up app and install kali from app. Set ssh username (anyname) and password.
When kali will run it'll ask for password, type the ssh password. Then do su. After that kali will run on your device without root and do, apt update. For more info read here (https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/android-for-hackers-turn-android-phone-into-hacking-device-without-root-0189649/)
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip unzip php git
git clone https://github.com/DarkSecDevelopers/HiddenEye.git
chmod 777 HiddenEye
cd HiddenEye
pip3 install -r requirements.txt && pip3 install requests
python3 HiddenEye.py
2) Installing (TERMUX APP)
First, install { Termux } from Playstore.
After opening Follow below commands One by one
pkg install git python php curl openssh grep
git clone -b Termux-Support-Branch https://github.com/DarkSecDevelopers/HiddenEye.git
chmod 777 HiddenEye
pip install requests
cd HiddenEye
python HiddenEye.py
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Instagram hacking trick