
[מְעוּדכָּן] כיצד לעדכן את Kali Linux [2020]

If you are a Linux user. You might be thinking How to update Kali Linux to the latest release. כך, as to use the latest tools introduced in the latest version. In this article, you’ll find a way to do that.

Updating a Linux system is just a piece of cake.

לָכֵן, you need to learn some of the basics tactics of Kali. Let’s start the adventure.

כיצד לעדכן את Kali Linux?

  • Checking for perfect Repositories: Just fire up a terminal and use the following command:

leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list

Leafpad is nothing but the editor just like notepad in windows.

You can even use Vim or Other editors.

Now a file would be opened. Check if it contains:

deb https://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib
deb-sources https://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib

If you don’t find the file, which is not obvious. Just paste the above code and you are done with checking your repositories.

Final Update Of Kali Linux:

Now you are all set to update your Kali Linux.

Fire Up your terminal and follow the steps below:

  • Run the following command to update:
  • sudo apt-get update
  • Now run:
  • sudo apt upgrade
  • After you run the command, the terminal will ask you to continue, to do it. Type -y and press enter.

Also Read: 4 הפורום הטוב ביותר להאקרים ב 2019


After executing all the commands successfully you’ll be able to update the Kali Linux system successfully.

If you face any problem regarding the article. You can comment down below. Team CSHAWK will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Have a nice day.


זו סויאש מהודו. חובב אבטחת סייבר, יוטיובר, בלוגר, פרילנסר ופנטסטר. בדרך כלל הוא כותב מאמרים כדי לחלוק את הידע שלו עם העולם.

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  • bonjour j'aurais besoin de votre aide pour la mise de kali linux , j'ai suivi toute les indication mais le probleme ces que un lien etais infecte et avast la bloquer et puis a la fin de la mise ajour sa me marque inpossible de recuperer certaine archive il me propose de taper apt-get update ou --fix missing j'ai taper dans le terminal apt-get update mais je ne sais pas trop si la mise a jour a etais faite et j'ai teste fix missing et ca ne marche pas aider moi silvouplai

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