
Как уменьшить громкий шум и перегрев на Mac?

Если у вас есть MacBook, вам следует внимательно следить за его производительностью. Пренебрежение уходом за компьютером приведет к проблемам, такие как случайные сбои, замерзает, disconnects from the internet network, malware attacks, и так далее.

Most of the problems are not that bad since you can usually solve them without needing help from a computer service store.

Overheating and loud noises are another example of how an issue should encourage you to look for solutions yourself rather than seeking advice from others. Here are some ideas that should come in handy when you want to deal with an overheating MacBook and get rid of those loud and distracting noises.

Place Laptop on a Flat Hard Surface

This one might seem obvious, yet quite a few people still fail to realize that keeping a MacBook on their lap is not a good choice. Blocking the ventilation will prevent air circulation. And the longer it goes, the more of an issue it becomes.

Instead of placing the MacBook on your lap or another surface that blocks the vents, use a flat hard surface. Например, a desk is a good option. You can also purchase a laptop stand.

Clean Dust Inside

The dust accumulation problem is more or less inevitable even if you are a tidy person and clean around your computer. The MacBook will collect dust over time. You need to get in the habit of cleaning the filth regularly before the dust clogs the internal fans.

Сейчас же, you might be reluctant to take on the task yourself because it is tricky to take a laptop apart and clean it thoroughly. Lack of experience could lead to potential hardware damages, not to mention that putting a MacBook back together is harder than taking it apart.

This probably means that you will need to leave the work to someone who has experience. Если так, do not hesitate to spend money as it would be better than damaging your Mac and not knowing how much you will have to pay to repair it later.

Use a Laptop Cooler

A laptop cooler, also known as a cooling pad, is a neat accessory that works as a source of cool fresh air. The prices for these coolers vary, but you can get a decent option for as little as 30 dollars.

Placing the MacBook on a running cooling pad will mean more energy consumption, but if an overheating Mac is a bigger concern for you, then a few more dollars to the electricity bill should not be a concern

Monitor Temperature With Software

You can install software that lets you monitor the MacBook’s temperature and manage the internal fan output. Tinkering with various settings and finding that perfect balance is not something you should expect, but it is still worth getting the software to monitor the temperature.

Some of the best available options right now are TG Pro, Temp Monitor, iStat Menus, and MenuMetters.

Keep in mind that such software has a built-in alarm system that notifies users about temperature problems. Do not ignore signs and pay attention to the data you see.

Check the Drive Condition

Too much junk on the MacBook’s drive could be yet another issue that is causing loud noises and overheating. Since you are working with a relatively lackluster total available storage, it is easy to end up with just a few gigabytes of free drive space.

В соответствии с a guide on cleaning up a MacBook from unwanted files, your focus should lie on removing old temporary storage and applications. After you are done with those, you can move on to localization data, email attachments, duplicate files, and unnecessary media files.

While deleting these files, remember to get rid of them permanently by emptying the Trash Bin or using the Command + Вариант + Delete keyboard shortcut.

It is also worth noting that you can transfer some of the data to external storage, such as iCloud and an HDD. Наконец, if large media files are causing the most issues with the MacBook’s storage, stop hoarding them on the laptop and use streaming services instead.

Once you free the laptop’s drive from the clutter, you should notice performance improvements that will also help with reducing the temperature and loud noises coming from the internal fans.

Avoid Running Too Many Apps Simultaneously

One of the best solutions to an overheating computer is to limit background processes. The fewer system resources are consumed, the better it is for the overall MacBook performance, including the internal fans.

You must have noticed how the fans start to work more intensely after you launch a resource-heavy application. Хорошо, it just so happens that running multiple apps that do not consume many resources individually but do collectively also leads to the same problem.

Use Activity Monitor to check which background processes are consuming the most resources and make the necessary adjustments.

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